January 30, 2012
An IT and Web Development Blog
January 30, 2012
I just wrote my first WordPress plugin called Verve SSL. It is a SSL plugin for WordPress login and administration. You can read more about it and download it at the plugin page here.
January 27, 2012
A few days ago I wanted to add the year to the copyright porition of the footer of my WordPress theme. To do this I added the following code to the footer.php of my theme.
<p>Copyright © <?php echo date('Y'); ?> <a href="https://www.kevinverver.com">Kevin Verver</a>.</p>
The great thing about this code is that it will change the year automatically each year so that you don’t have to remember to update it yourself.
December 17, 2011
I wanted to configure my WordPress blog so that it would use SSL for the WordPress login and for the Administration Dashboard. I found plugins that would achieve this for me but it would not redirect back to HTTP when not on the login page or the administration dashboard.
To accomplish this I wrote a script that checks the location.pathname to see if it matches the regular expression “.*wp-.*”. This way it will only find a match if on the login page or the administration dashboard. I then created the next script to use if you browse the site while logged in. It changed the protocol to HTTPS, I made it all work by putting the PHP script in the wp-config.php that checks if logged in and then calls the scripts.
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> var protocol = location.protocol; var hostname = location.hostname; var pathname = location.pathname; var href = location.href; var wpAdminMatch = location.pathname.match(".*wp-.*"); if (protocol == "http:" && pathname == wpAdminMatch) { protocol = "https:"; location.replace(protocol + "//" + hostname + pathname) } else if (protocol == "https:" && pathname != wpAdminMatch) { protocol = "http:"; location.replace(protocol + "//" + hostname + pathname) }; </script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> var protocol = location.protocol; var hostname = location.hostname; var pathname = location.pathname; var href = location.href; if (protocol == "http:" ) { protocol = "https:"; location.replace(protocol + "//" + hostname + pathname) } else { }; </script>
$current_user = wp_get_current_user(); $Path=$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $URI='http://www.kevinverver.com'.$Path; $feed_url ='http://www.kevinverver.com/blog/feed/'; $feed_secure_url ='https://www.kevinverver.com/blog/feed/'; if (0 == $current_user->ID && $URI != $feed_url && $URI != $feed_secure_url) { echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="/blog/sslcheck.js"></script>'; } else if ($URI != $feed_url && $URI != $feed_secure_url) { echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="/blog/ssllogin.js"></script>'; }